Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Open letter to President Trump


The Honorable Donald J. Trump
The White House
Washington DC

Dear Mr. President:

My name is William Prescott Perry. I suspect that my patriotism and zealous reverence for the Father of Our Country can be attributed to the fact I am a descendant of Col. William Prescott, a patriot whose distinguished service to what was to be our country -- presumably under the command of General George Washington -- was such that it resulted in a statue that can be seen HERE. Another member of the Prescott family, Samuel, left his mark on history in furtherance of the cause for America by completing the mission of Paul Revere and his fellow patriots. My passion for American liberty is, quite literally, in my DNA and I like to think their spirit for American independence from tyrannical and despotic government lives in me. And my definition of tyranny is based on that described by James Madison in Federalist 47.

Eight years ago, I wrote an open letter to you under the banner of my George Washington Farewell Address Revivification and Preservation Project beseeching you to thoroughly peruse it, embrace it, and administer the presidency according to his principles and directions. Although it got a fair number of views, it produced no results.

I am pleased to learn that your reverence for our great nation's seventh president is such that you have brought back a portrait of him next to your desk in the Oval Office, presumably for inspiration. I don't know how familiar you are with his final words to the American people and posterity but, if not, I believe you will find them far more inspiring than a painting. Thus, I implore you and all those in your inner circle to read them at your earliest opportunity. 

President Jackson's farewell address is, without a doubt, a national treasure that ranks right up there with President Washington's and it, likewise, needs to be given the proper attention it is worthy of. The swamp creatures that slither in the scum of the "Washington Establishment" and have dominated our government would just as soon they remain buried and long forgotten but your reelection, and whirlwind of reform that has come with it, has given me new hope.

This is what he had to say about President Washington's:

"The lessons contained in this invaluable legacy of Washington to his countrymen should be cherished in the heart of every citizen to the latest generation; and perhaps at no period of time could they be more usefully remembered than at the present moment; for when we look upon the scenes that are passing around us and dwell upon the pages of his parting address, his paternal counsels would seem to be not merely the offspring of wisdom and foresight, but the voice of prophecy, foretelling events and warning us of the evil to come."




It is my humble opinion that if you truly want to honor the memory and legacies of Presidents Washington and Jackson, and secure one for yourself alongside them, you know what you need to do. 

Your actions taken since your return to the White House have me elated beyond words. Topping the list is reports of Elon Musk bringing on my personal hero and devout champion for liberty, Dr. Ron Paul, to deal with the Federal Reserve System.

Please demand that the long-stagnating Audit the Fed legislation be presented to you for your signature as a first step towards de-privatizing our nation's central bank and abolishing the Federal Reserve altogether for reasons set forth in this blog which features key passages from President Jackson's farewell address.

Now, there are many who condemn President Jackson, and rightfully so, because he signed the Indian Removal Act which, unbeknownst to most, served as a model and inspiration for Adolf Hitler's policy of LEBENSRAUM. And, yes, he was a slave owner but he didn't invent slavery and wasn't he basically just doing his job representing the American people with regard to Indian policy?

Had it not been for his obsessive hate for Jews, facilitating genocide, and invading other countries, Hitler would not have gone down in history as one of the worst villains of the Third Millennium. What he did in dealing with central bankers was instrumental in him making Germany great again (at least until September 1939). 

If the use of his visage mockingly displayed on a most widely circulated FEDERAL RESERVE banknote for over 100 years isn't punishment enough, then I can't imagine what is.

If you agree with President Jackson and me that President Washington's final words to the American people should be "cherished in the heart of every citizen," please review these ideas I have in mind and let me know what you think. 

Thank you for your prompt attention. Remaining true to my relentless commitment to restore pride, dignity, honor, and GLORY* to the name of WASHINGTON, I am, 

Sincerely yours,



(contact info provided on hard and direct e- mail copy)


* I trust you agree that name of Washington has been besmirched and left to languish in the septic tank for far too long by its having been associated with what's become a rogue government. Here's what future President Abraham Lincoln had to say about the former glory of the name Washington:

 "Washington is the mightiest name of earth -- long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty; still mightiest in moral reformation. On that name, a eulogy is expected. It cannot be. To add brightness to the sun, or glory to the name of Washington, is alike impossible. Let none attempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked deathless splendor, leave it shining on."

Abraham Lincoln, Temperance Address

Personally, I think these words should be prominently engraved in a large block of granite between the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial so they can be conspicuously read by people who are looking at the Washington Monument while visiting the former, but that's a subject for another day.

Well, well, well... what a coincidence! I just realized the date of this posting is Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I think he would approve of this message. 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Moneychangers’ Revenge: Federal Reserve System

Although the Honorable Ron Paul (R-TX) was twice unsuccessful in his bids for the U.S. presidency, he was hugely successful in waking up large numbers to the fact that America’s money supply --hence, economy and government-- is controlled by a private, for-profit corporation that has the federal government it its front pocket. The title of his book, END THE FED, was the predominant rallying cry at all of his gatherings.

The Federal Reserve System is no more a part of the U.S. Government than the Federal Express shipping or Federal ammunition companies are. It is a banking cartel whose exact ownership is not known to Congress -- a secret they have kept as far back as 1913 when the bill to create it was snuck through after most members had gone home to their districts for the holidays. Billed as the Currency Act, it was signed into law by progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, on the 23rd of December.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing that prints the fiat currency we carry in our wallets is essentially nothing more than a contractor -- much like the ones that work for any other bank to print its checks, deposit slips, business cards, etc. The only deficiency of the latter is that they don’t have a government-sanctioned monopoly on the right to freely print legal tender at will.

Here, in Col. 1, is more on the story of when WE WERE SOLD OUT! And, WOW, just look at the prices for those goods in the ads in the paper!! That’s the effect of Fed-induced inflation over the past century. In fact, the online U.S. Inflation Calculator (not coincidentally) starts with 1913 as the benchmark from which to measure any and all years in between.

Most Americans only know Andrew Jackson as the face on the $20 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE --one of, if not, the most widely circulated denominations-- and wonder what he did to deserve such honor. Truth is, it is NO honor to his memory and legacy what-so-ever! This was done deliberately to mock him in contempt and delight themselves in the fact it is they who are REALLY running things in Washington, D.C.

Americans know very little of what were, perhaps, his greatest achievements; he killed the bank that was the Fed’s predecessor and, accordingly, eliminated the national debt. Why would he do such a thing? You can click here for the short of it but the answers were all laid out in his farewell message to the American people for posterity. Given the magnitude of its importance, it was very lengthy but these excerpts should adequately reveal his sentiments and grave concerns for the future of his country.

“The mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges which they have succeeded in obtaining in the different States, and which are employed altogether for their benefit; and unless you become more watchful in your States and check this spirit of monopoly and thirst for exclusive privileges you will in the end find that the most important powers of Government have been given or bartered away, and the control over your dearest interests has passed into the hands of these corporations.
“The paper-money system and its natural associations--monopoly and exclusive privileges--have already struck their roots too deep in the soil, and it will require all your efforts to check its further growth and to eradicate the evil. The men who profit by the abuses and desire to perpetuate them will continue to besiege the halls of legislation in the General Government as well as in the States, and will seek by every artifice to mislead and deceive the public servants. It is to yourselves that you must look for safety and the means of guarding and perpetuating your free institutions. In your hands is rightfully placed the sovereignty of the country, and to you everyone placed in authority is ultimately responsible...
“We are not left to conjecture how the moneyed power, thus organized and with such a weapon in its hands, would be likely to use it. The distress and alarm which pervaded and agitated the whole country when the Bank of the United States (WHICH, again, JACKSON ABOLISHED BUT WAS INSIDIOUSLY AND COVERTLY RESURRECTED IN 1913 UNDER THE NAME "FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM") waged war upon the people in order to compel them to submit to its demands can not yet be forgotten. The ruthless and unsparing temper with which whole cities and communities were oppressed, individuals impoverished and ruined, and a scene of cheerful prosperity suddenly changed into one of gloom and despondency ought to be indelibly impressed on the memory of the people of the United States. If such was its power in a time of peace, what would it not have been in a season of war, with an enemy at your doors? No nation but the freemen of the United States could have come out victorious from such a contest; yet, if you had not conquered, the Government would have passed from the hands of the many to the hands of the few, and this organized money power from its secret conclave would have dictated the choice of your highest officers and compelled you to make peace or war, as best suited their own wishes. The forms of your Government might for a time have remained, but its living spirit would have departed from it. 

Let that sink in for a while -- ESPECIALLY that last sentence and the part about making wars that best suit their own wishes! In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure:

“The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War.”

Click like Andrew Jackson's Farewell Address on Facebook

x Informative look at the note itself

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Separation of Powers

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.

James Madison - Federalist 47

In his Farewell Address, President Washington warned the American people that;

It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free Country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its Administration, to confine themselves within their respective Constitutional Spheres; avoiding in the exercise of the Powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart, is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position... If in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.

And, since President Jackson had been the only American president until Barack Obama to publicly recognize President Washington's Farewell (so sad he never governed accordingly), the purpose of this blog is provide a link between these two national treasures as he said;

The lessons contained in this invaluable legacy of Washington to his countrymen should be cherished in the heart of every citizen to the latest generation; and perhaps at no period of time could they be more usefully remembered than at the present moment; for when we look upon the scenes that are passing around us and dwell upon the pages of his parting address, his paternal counsels would seem to be not merely the offspring of wisdom and foresight, but the voice of prophecy, foretelling events and warning us of the evil to come...

It is well known that there have always been those amongst us who wish to enlarge the powers of the General Government, and experience would seem to indicate that there is a tendency on the part of this Government to overstep the boundaries marked out for it by the Constitution. Its legitimate authority is abundantly sufficient for all the purposes for which it was created, and its powers being expressly enumerated, there can be no justification for claiming anything beyond them. Every attempt to exercise power beyond these limits should be promptly and firmly opposed, for one evil example will lead to other measures still more mischievous; and if the principle of constructive powers or supposed advantages or temporary circumstances shall ever be permitted to justify the assumption of a power not given by the Constitution, the General Government will before long absorb all the powers of legislation, and you will have in effect but one consolidated government. From the extent of our country, its diversified interests, different pursuits, and different habits, it is too obvious for argument that a single consolidated government would be wholly inadequate to watch over and protect its interests; and every friend of our free institutions should be always prepared to maintain unimpaired and in full vigor the rights and sovereignty of the States and to confine the action of the General Government strictly to the sphere of its appropriate duties